We are happy to provide you with this FREE DOWNLOAD of EAT STRONG - The High Protein Baking Cookbook with some of the most popular recipes created by STACK’D Nutrition – creators of the STACK’D Protein Pancake and Baking Mix and STACK’D High Protein Coffee Creamer. All recipes included are tried and true, are easy to make and uses STACK'D Protein Pancake and Baking Mix an very few additional ingredients that are probably already in your pantry or can be bought at your local grocery store. We’ve even included some submitted by family members, friends, our loyal customers and followers and are eager to create more. All STACK’D recipes included in this book are high in protein, lower in carbohydrates and fat....and we've even included a few fun cheat meals as well. You’ll be shocked how easy it is to bake and cook with STACK’D.
From Protein Pancakes, Waffles, Muffins, Cupcakes, Breads, Cookies and Savory Recipes....it's all here and it's free for you to download
We hope you enjoy this collection of STACK’D Recipes and if you have a favorite STACK’D Creation - please share it with us at [email protected]. Include a recipe in a similar format to ours with a high quality photo. If we use your recipe in our book you'll receive a STACK'D Gift Certificate. Thank you and enjoy ! Gary Kassabian - Owner and Founder STACK'D Nutrition
